Friday, September 23, 2011

Erastes & Eromenos (Lover & Beloved)

I am so shaken up about the men and their fetish with little boys. It is plain creepy but any ways...

"But very soon he is back in that tempest, and in a new role: instead of being eyed, nude in the gymnasium, he is himself cruising around younger boys, in the same places, nosing out his prey. Transformed from eromenos into erastes, he would finally discover, as a lover, what it means to be possessed by love. Only the lover is entheos, says Plato. Only the lover is "full of god.""

This got me thinking. Ill explain more after dinner!

Sorry for the delay! I feel people go through this in immature relationships that most often don't work out. One person is the lover the other the beloved. You do as they wish to make them happy, act as a slave(extreme but true), act as they wish you to, etc. Until you grow up and then become the lover. Hopefully finding someone who has also once been the beloved and can understand more in depth... Aka don't go for a younger lover or you will be forced to be the lover:P

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Creation Myths

In class 9/13 & 9/15 we are presenting creation myths from a variety of cultures. We were asked to find similarities in the stories that were read. Here is a list of who spoke on Tuesday the 13th and what story they told...
Justin- the moon & death
Megan- a tale of African origin
Lauren- turtle creation story
Juniper- the saga of the legend of the stag
Sam- origin of mount everest
Theresa- who can say from where it came & how creation happened #56
Wena- la llorana "the weeping woman"
Andrew- the beginning of the world #50
Jennifer- legend of the lady slipper
Ashley- iroquis- beginning of the world
Madison- origin of medicine
Lisa- flood/ creation myth yutuk tribe
Vittoria- the Norse creation myth #61
Jill- legend of devils tower
Parker- crow- old man coyote creates earth
Matt- creation of the lamp post in narnia
Thursday 15th
Zachary- Norse creation myth # 17
Bailey- the stone & the banana #69
Rosemary- la llorona
Jessica- the cast skin
Zach- how the night sky got it's stars
Lucy- who can say whence it all came#25
Jeremy- creation from genesis 1
Christine- the origin of the hidden people
Kevin- the creation of the earth & the great flood
Jerrod- the origin of death (a cruel bird)
Sherwood- commanche creation myth
Stefanie- how the elephant got his trunk
Abby- creation by thought
Cortney- how a snake lost it's legs
Danielle- Thompson Indian creation of man #65
Quentin- the first lyre
Darrell- Thompson Indian creation of everything #64

The Wine of the Gods!

"It could both wake a man up and put him to sleep, dissolve the pain that afflicted the heart and make them liquid and fleeting." pg. 38

Ampelos' body being used to create the vine of which wine was created was extremely interesting. Opening your mind up to such a way of creation, yielded many questions for me. Dionysus was crying for his bisexual partner, Ampelos, which was abnormal for a god. Dionysus was not a cry baby and he was touched so deeply by Ampelos death it "changed his nature, and the nature of the world." Bisexuality! Wow, it was not frowned upon back then... What is going on with the world? We can't live freely like the wonderful mythological times! Ridiculous!

The way Calasso described both, Ampelos and wine, made me see them as one being. The wine is Ampelos but also the way people feel while drinking wine now. Wine is one of the best creations ever and is notorious for making people giggly and happy, as was Ampelos. Dionysus loved him for being just that. It's ironic that wine was created to help Dionysus to forget the pain and bring joy, when now we use intoxication as a horrible coping mechanism for death and a million other things. It seems like the idea of wine has came full circle.

Monday, September 12, 2011

With Age Comes Wisdom

My wonderful friend Kristin took this pic for me the other day. This is the tree outside mi casa and we play on it all the time. It brings my roomies and I much joy at all hours of the day. There is a rope to climb up to his branches and chill in his high tower. He is filled with wisdom and has seen many years of life on 9th Ave.