Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tidy or OCD...

My ritual for leaving the house...
1. Put on shoes
2. Put coat on
3. Find purse
4. Find keys and phone
5. Get in car
6. Plug phone in and pick song
7. Put my purse on floor
8. Seatbelt
9. Drive...
 I'm sure this is like most others sort of ritual make sure the windows are shut, or make sure the oven is turned off. Every little thing we do down to the way we write our notes or write our name on our homework assignments is a ritual. We are creatures of habit. Their are some more intense cases like people with OCD, who have to do the things such as flipping a light switch off and on 5 times or opening and closing a door 3 times. I organize my closet by color, length, and style, so I know exactly what I'm going to find. That isn't to say I am a clean freak... I can barely remember to do laundry EVER! Everyone has got a thing they do precisely and when someone else does it for you it bothers you. For example, back when I was in middle school, my mom would put my clothes away when I was a tournament or just with friends, and I would come home and not be able to find a thing or she just didn't hang my clothes the way I would, or put them in the drawer the way I liked. I find that OCD because I was super happy that she put my clothes away for me but for some reason, it was always more of a burden and I would take all the clothes back out and reorganize them. I do love clothes more than the average bear though.
 My boyfriend, on the other hand, is clean and organized in a much different manor. Everything has an exact location, on his desk or in the bathroom cabinet, everything is strategically placed. Then his roommate comes along and moves or takes one thing from his toolbox and he can tell something is missing immediately. I think it is very interesting what you can learn from someone through their daily rituals.

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