Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 1: Individual Presentations on The Magus

  • Fairy tales, Grimm, and The Magus
  • stories bridge generations together
  • All countries have similar stories (Walt Disney)
  • Star Trek- Who Mourns of Adonias?
  • Apollo holds ship takes Caroline with him
  • GOOD QUOTE: We have forgotten all the things that give life meaning. 
  • Paradise is not what they expect.
GOOGLE: Mourning for Adonis ....
What does it mean?
Death and Rebirth

  • Main female characters did conchis' bidding for him
  • women = strength and deceit
  • mythological women= mysterious 
  • passing female secrets
  • women initation 
  • Hercales, Thesius, Persius
  • Calasso pg. 19 
  • Gods and Participants in game 
  • Lily/Julie= Persephone GOOD & RIGHT
  • Joe= Hades
  • Nick and Alison its his view of sex that is the problem
  • Somebody somewhere is watching
  • We are all entering a labrynth 
  • Stranger than Fiction- movie Will Ferrell
  • reality is second to new reality- we're drawn to it.
  • The Lesser Blessed- comparison to Magus
  • telling stories therapeutic 
  • The dead can live by love.
  • The Proscenium of the Magus revealed... revealing words on cards AWESOME!
  • missed this one....
  • past possesses our present - future is predetermined
  • rituals in Bourani confine him
  • Julie- infatuated in 3 days world was reinvented
  • unrealistic dream- couldn't stay with Alison
  • Beginnings, Middles, Ends
  • reflection into future- All knowing
  • you are constantly changing - crack in mirror is never the same
  • gods are here in cracks in the mirror, Love, sky, all precious gifts are said to be the gods around us.

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