Thursday, December 8, 2011

Final Exam Information


Looked at Tori's blog, she's got the information you need to know for exam!

Sinister- Left handed people:P

Group Questions
group 1: How many different versions of myth our there?
  • infinite possibilities!
group 2: Who was Oprah compared to?
  • Zeus
group 3: Where does the title of our presentation "The Shameful Truth" come from?
  • The Magus
group 4: Darrell had two amazing one liners that refer to the end, What are they?
  • That's All Folks! 
  • Here We Go Again
group 5: What was the song in the credits?
  • White Wedding by Billy Idol
group 6: What were the 6 characters in group?
  • Pirate, Cowboy, Irishman, Viking, Chinese, & Egyptian
Individual Presentations

  • We referred to in a lot of our presentations that "All that is past possesses our present."
  • Every answer is a form of death- JERROD WANTS THIS ON THE TEST SOMEHOW!
  • Ritual of Adonis- death of person at too young an age. Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Buddy Holly, Dimebag Darrell...

Sacri = Sacred

We end where we begin!

Eliade- butterfly dream... ChungTzu wakes up not knowing if he is a man dreaming of being a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming of being a man...

Remembrance of divine- makes it a sacred action

In the god game, everything is fiction!

Orpheus & Eurydice-Eurydice steps on a snake and dies, goes to underworld. Orpheus, the musician/ husband, goes to the underworld to retrieve Eurydice and is to never look back. He looks back! thats why we have mythology and now she is stuck in the underworld!

Bhagavad Gita-
The father was going to die soon, and had to pick a son to take over the thrown. The older son was blind, he could not be king. The younger son took over. Older son didn't like that and was going to kill his brothers family. Eventually there was a gamble between the families and the older son won. The younger son Arjuna GOOD GUYS and his family were banished to the woods for 15 years and upon their return he was supposed to get the kingdom. Older blind son didn't like that BAD GUYS!. Krishna the god told Arjuna he would battle and win his kingdom back, this he did not want to do. He did not want to kill family. Krishna being the god already knew what would take place in the future and Arjuna did as his path said he would. He had no choice!

Parabola- "Coming in off the side"
The example in class about someone being hurt in front of the church, the priest was busy he had a luncheon on campus to get to, the person you expected to help didn't. the person you didn't expect did!

The Swerve- book by Stephen Greenblatt about finding the manuscript of "On the Nature of Things" by Lucretius, in a library. Manuscript was the way of the modern world so nobody was supposed to see it!

Ant and the Grasshopper-
grasshopper played the fiddle and had fun, didn't prepare for winter. Ants worked really hard and never had any fun. Who is doing the right thing? Have fun and be carefree or work hard to get ahead?

Eschatology- a belief concerning death, or the ultimate destiny of mankind

Cicadas - all they did was sing beautiful songs, started as humans, they died because all they could do was sing, no eating, drinking, or sleeping. god made them into cicadas so they can sing forever!

Wonderful class, very interesting, it was definitely something new for me to experience, and I loved it.

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