Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 3: Individual Presentations! THE END!

  • Conchis and Fowles relationship
  • All that is past possesses our present!! BEST QUOTE IN MAGUS!
  • Answers are a form of death to the reader
  • if book ended/ had an ending Nicholas would have died
  • We are all stupid like Nicholas, looking @ Nick is looking at yourself
  • Come to terms with never knowing 
I love that idea of just letting things be, not needing answers but understanding knowing them means nothing anyways.

  • The monster in the maze
  • Who is the monster? Nicholas... WE ARE THE MONSTER!
  • weaved Calasso into understanding of Magus
Read book: The Illustrated Man- living tattoos on body, each one tells a story

  • Myth and the word made flesh
  • "we are bone collectors" finding buffalo skulls
  • give grace - power of eucharist
  • god did not withdraw, all is waiting
  • T.S. Eliot poem The Dry Salvages
EXAM Q: Logos = Word

  • Olympics - symbol of peace among nations- passing the torch
  • Heracles, Pelops started games by killing a guy in a chariot
  • Wrestling was started with Zeus fighting his father Kronos
  • Precedent behind every action... The Olympics are because of the gods and classical mythology!

  • focused on underworld
  • chthonic path... to underworld and back up
  • Nick goes through this death and rebirth... except doesn't really grow from experience.
  • he focuses on mistrust within others, instead of seeing the mistrust in himself.
American superheros fail @ pattern Fixated & Stuck!!!!
  • Nicholas doesn't know himself
  • reality could be appearance in facade
  • "Know Thyself" how little we know of ourselves

  • Mermaids found in India
  • Star wars was written for mythological interpretation/ imagination
  • Andre the Giant - famous wrestler connection to Princess Bride
  • Handed out a mythological newspaper... Olympian Gazette

Very interesting presentations today! I can't say that I thought there were real mermaids and the corpse sure doesn't look elegant like Arial ... Disney changes things they should not... REAL LIFE ISN'T ALWAYS PRETTY!

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