Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 2: Individual Presentations of The Magus

Jarrod- Parenting and Mythology
  • Uranos & Kronos, Saturn ate his children
  • Gaia- violent taking sickle and castrating father
  • Rhea put Zeus in cave - Zeus got help from Wisdom(Metis)
  • "There is no such thing as good parenting" Dr. Sexson
  • Freudian psychology
Lucy - divine infatuation Urfe posessessed
  • Life is a game of chess- Urfe is a pawn
  • Ufe and Oedipus- Appointment in Samara
  • return to destiny
Zach- relationships to appeal to audience = mythology compelling (book on beach)
  • 3 relationships- Nick and Alison= Cupid and Psyche, Nick and Isis/Lily/Julie = Hades and Persephone, Nick and Conchis = Zeus and Apte
  • Love and Parenting=== All mythological Dr Sexson
  • Magus is world- political leaders and ungovernable forces of past.
  • Obsession with judgement and status quo.
  • Ultimately created through myth.
  • Constantly searching for definition of itself, all is planned

  • Hidden agendas/ double lives
  • "Heart of Darkness" agenda- veil over all other characters
  •  Conchis - Hades conceals identity (deceptive)
  • "We are by no means united but we are united" in MAGUS during the removal of the masks in judgement. Exemplifies mystery
  • Veil is waiting to be removed but at the same time will never be removed
  • Nacholas issue with free will.
  • "The Adjustment Bureau" Philip K. Dick 
  • never run into girl ever again, people wont let them be together. Main Character is going through somebody else's plan. 
  • Humans believe they have free will: only the appearance of free will
  • would you have stayed in California or was it destined you would end up here. No switching paths?
  • We are in labrynth... all part of giant game
  • In Illo Tempore Beginnings, Middles, Ends
  • Beginning = Escape, Middles= Painful, Ends = Transformed 
  • Beginning is included in the end 
  • trying to do something with is life 
  • Mysterious, stuck in black cloud. Fail through hero path.
  • "Still playing on their script" says Alison to Nick in The Magus.
  • stagnant character in whole novel regardless of which path, script has been written for you...
  • caught him in fog.
  • in order of the questions she asked these were my answers... 7, 63, 9, 4, d, Denmark, K, Kangaroo, O, Orange.... 
  • Bagavagita? don't know how to spell... Knishna determines what everybody does
  • Conchis & Knishna = puppet master
  • Nicholas & Ishuna = puppets
  • exploited knowledge
  • FREEDOM & Determinism- master of behavioral psychology
  • Dante's Inferno- deceive someone cutting bond between two lovers.
  • Nicholas and Zeus - travel heros pattern
  • dangling- we have heard this many times in everyday life
  • Boy meets girl, boy pushes girl away, boy realizes he loves girl, BLANK - dependant on person. PREDICTABLE! out of prediction, into freedom
  • womanizer, Hercales (can't benefit from women)
  • Jason (hero), Thesius (labrynth) speculate out of maze if stayed with Alison, Oedipus back to game , Back to Thesius, Here we go again, Achilles going after Helen, underworld - physically restrained , a few minor details differ, 1,000 faces heard that story before!
  • Appointment in Samara- Deja Vu , glitch in loop of film- THE MATRIX!!!
  • HERE WE GO AGAIN! Sexson guessed the title of his paper!
  • 3 regimes of mankind Conviviality, Rape, Indifference
  • rejection of female Venus and Adonis
  • wrath of gods abducted instead of rape
  • "you sound like Adonis have you been (b)goared?"
  • The Great Pan is Dead
  • 7 Genious' are also INSANE!
  • "Existence of mysteries" Miracles or disasters we have to embrace insantity!
  • Myth archeotypes ... Nick = Hero, Lily/ Julie/ Rose/ Alison= Helen/ Medusa = Deceitful female
  • carried into modern day literature
Hero is used positively in modern society 
myth hero - wrong, problematic, sexually driven

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