Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Butterfly mirrors the Soul

As I read The Magus, I came across multiple instances where butterflies were recognized. I found this astounding, as we discussed in class the butterfly is the Greek image for soul. Fowles used butterflies to signal a sense of freedom, of calming in the air, or a weight off his shoulders. " We were silent. Two coupled yellow butterflies flitted heavily, saggingly, past." As Urfe finally told Allison of Julie/Lily, the butterflies were released to purposely flutter past them, as to say, you can relax for a moment and gaze into your soul.
Butterflies make me feel that way. When I am gazing upon a butterfly all else is disappeared, unimportant, life is blissful for that endless second. As if looking into your own soul. I started searching butterfly mirrors and came across this picture, which led me to nothing other than ALICE IN WONDERLAND! The girl who made this lovely piece of art was thinking of transcending into a butterfly realm through a portal, the mirror. Which is exactly how I feel when watching a butterfly. I thought this artwork was marvelous and I had to share it with all of you!
Here is the link if you would like to read what the artist wrote :)


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