Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Exam Review

pg. 209-212
  • 4 stories that make up quarternity* Thinking- Zeus, Feeling-Dionysus, Sensation- Athena, Intuition-Demeter
  • Terms of Space- Zeus=UP, Athena=OUT(polis,goddess of city), Dionysus=DOWN, Demeter= IN
  • Persephone(Kore) getting abducted by Hades while picking a narcissis flower, narcissist= obsessed with them self.
  • Triple Goddess= Mother, Maiden(daughter), & the crone

pg. 225-226
  • Athena came from head of Zeus

pg. 224
  • half has to do with mysteries of Ulysses, why Greeks respect Ulysses more than anything?

pg. 336
  • How would you define Homeric theology? 
    • Supremacy of the invisible
    • All that you get is what you see
    • When you can no longer see you have nothing(daylight and light)
    • Ephigonal asks to look at light one last time "Stop and smell the roses" The Visible

pg. 359
  • Why do we suffer?
    • so we can take a course in mythology
    • wouldnt have anything to sing about (write blues songs)
    • sacrifice so we can be happy... thanks Quentin

pg. 383-391
  • Precedent behind every action
  • invasion of mind and body
  • What did Cadmus give to Greece? Necklace

pg. 387
  • What conclusions can we draw? 
    • life without meaning or life with disaster? YOU BETTER CHOSE DISASTER!
    • Cadmus, founder of city of Thebes
    • Greatest disaster was flys feet (gift of mind, vowels, & consonants) 
    • He gave the Alphabet!

  • The Eleusinian mysteries
  • The Tarboleum (rights & rituals)
  • The Dionysus material from Bachae
Great Pan's Dead
WB Yeats: The Second Coming

Student Questions
  • What does spiritus mundi means?
    • Spirit of World 
  • At the marriage of Cadmus & Harmony, who was drawing the chariot?
    • Boar & Lion
  • What country are nacirema's from? 
    • America(USA)
  • Which of the three things, important of Eleusian Mysteries was the origin of Theater?
    • Things done= drama= dromenon
    • Things done, seen, & said
  •  What is the study of soul, in mythology?
    • Psychology, NOT THE STUDY OF MIND
  • At birth(pg. 204), whose beauty was only appreciated by father? 
    • Persephone
  • What is the origin of our legal/ justice system? 
    • Athena story
    • acquits Orestes for killing his mother
  •  Women's one free night of retaliation is called? 
    • Tote Toge (Day of the Dead)
  • What animal is associated with Taurboleum?
    • Bull -sign of taurus
  • What makes something sacred? 
    • in class, making the stone sacred
    • if you truly believe something is made sacred
  • Who is the real hero, according to Sexson? 
    • We are all heroic, ME, US all work for answers
  • James Joyce novel... modeled on which hero? 
    • Odysseus
  • According to Irish poet, WB Yeats, in Second Coming, history is to cycle every 2000 years, which comes from visitation of a BLANK who impregnates a BLANK.
    • Bird; Woman
  • What is the greek image for soul? 
    • Butterfly
  • Zeus ate a goddes named BLANK, meaning wisdom?
    • Metis
  • Which word best typifies a space carved out in which sacred rituals are carried out?
    • Temenos
  • Who is the god of the double door? What does it mean?
    • Dionysus (born 2x) of mother's womb(Semele) and father's thigh(Zeus)
    • Dithyramb(os) will be part of question
  •  Someone heard a divine voice at end of Pagaen world and they said BLANK & initiate religious age
    • Great Pan's Dead
  • Fundamental difference between gods and heroes? 
    • Mortality
  • Who has more fun gods or heroes? 
    • Heroes- gods envy 
  • When do the Furies arrive?
    • When you kill a blood relative, Kill you mother
  • What is the religious significance of Cupid & Psyche, according to instructor?
    • The Psychological development of the feminine
  • Which ritual came up multiple times in presentation?
    • Australian Rain-making ritual
  • What is the name of the girl that the king threw sandal at?
    • Charila
  • What Greek play, young woman buries brother even though forbidden, shows clash between tradition & state?
    • Antigone
  • From what term do we get our word Senator?
    • Senex
  • What is the definition of Archetype?
    • Ancient or primordial image which is found universally in Mythology, fairytale, & fantasy
  • Which Eleusian mystery pertains to fertility during certain month?
    • Maypole - phallic symbolism
  • Study hero pattern / 22 point formula(unsure of question) Might ask... Who covers most of 22 points?
    • Oedipus- most, Jesus- not so many, Hercales- some
  • In this class, what christian ritual did we discuss that had to deal with death and rebirth?
    • Baptism
  • Why was Demeter putting a baby in the fire?
    • To make him immortal
  • If you have someone in your family that is a "daddy's girl," Whose classical archetype is she modeling? 
    • Athena
That should be the majority of what we talked about in review today. There were a few questions we didn't find that he will most likely put on the test so check blogs for important notes!


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